
Mercury species distribution in the flue gas from three typical coal-fired power plants have been investigated using a C-5000 sampler for Ontario Hydro Method (OHM) to evaluate specified Hg emission inventories in the largest coal-production province of China, Inner Mongolia. The feed coal, bottom ash, fly ash and gypsum have also been sampled in the field. Mercury emissions are in the dominant form of Hg0 (>85%). The Hg2+ (<15%) and the Hgp (<2%) emissions are minor fractions of Hgt in the flue gas. The wet limestone flue gas desulfurization device (WLFGD) showed much higher removal efficiency for Hg2+ (87–95%) than for the other two Hg species. The input Hg/output Hg varied from 92% to 115% for the tested 3 coal-fried utility boilers during sampling time. We obtained comprehensive Hg discharge factors, including direct atmospheric Hg emission factors and indirect discharge factors of Hg associated with bottom ash, fly ash and gypsum, to the environment, designating the fates of Hg in coal. We estimated the Hg discharges from coal-fired power plants in Inner Mongolia in 2008–2014 and expanded to China. The maximum of direct Hg emissions from coal-fired power plants of Inner Mongolia was 24Mg in 2012. The Chinese coal-fired power plants emitted directly 100Mg Hg to the atmosphere every year at the nationwide air control actions. The maximum discharges of Hg associated with fly ash and gypsum of Inner Mongolia was 81Mg and 11Mg in 2012, respectively. The national Hg discharges with fly ash and gypsum every year are respectively about 300Mg and 82Mg, majority of which may be reemitted to the atmosphere by the utilization industry. Therefore, mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants are not the largest single source of Hg to the atmosphere in normal operation of the current efficient denitrification, particles control and desulfurization devices. Instead, the utilization industry of fly ash and gypsum would be emitting more Hg to the atmosphere.

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