
The Conflict in Maluku on January 19th, 1999 affected the harmony of life of the Moluccas universally. As a result, the people of Maluku live segregated in their respective communities. However, there are still groups of people who continue to live in harmony within the framework of diversity, namely the Tamilouw people on Seram-Maluku Island. The social harmony found in Tamilouw which is multi-ethnic and multi-religious is inseparable from the role of actors, and the workings of a systematic social structure. This study aimed to find out how the actors construct in the frame of diversity to achieve social harmony in the daily lives of Tamilouw people. The discipline approach used was the sociology of knowledge, using the reality construction theory of Peter Berger and Luckmann. The research paradigm used was constructivism with a qualitative approach. Key informants were religious leaders, indigenous leaders, community leaders, indigenous people and migrants. Data collection was carried out using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The techniques of data analysis was the data flow analysis model according to Miles & Huberman. Based on the research findings, data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that: Social harmony maintained in Tamilouw, Seram-Maluku Island, is the result of the integration of four main actors, namely religious leaders, traditional leaders, government figures and youth leaders. These four actors have a network or bond of trust, work strategies and rules of prevailing norms.

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