
B a c k g r o u n d . This article examines the influence of religious organizations in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war and analyzes their activities in resisting Russian aggression. Considering the importance of socio-religious relations in crises, this article reveals new aspects of the activity of religious organizations in Ukraine. The purpose of this study is to analyze the activities of religious organizations on Ukraine's territory during the Russian Federation's military aggression. Tasks include the analysis of socio-religious relations in the context of war, the study of humanitarian and peace-making activities of religious organizations, and proposals for forming state policy in the sphere of socio-religious relations. The object of the research is the activity of religious organizations on the territory of Ukraine in the conditions of military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The research focuses on the influence and role of religious organizations in resisting the Russian occupation, particularly in the analysis of socio-religious relations during the Russian-Ukrainian war. In the study context, two main areas of activity of religious organizations are considered – humanitarian and peacekeeping. The main task is the study of the influence of these organizations on public resistance to the aggressor, as well as the formation of proposals for the development of state policy mechanisms in socio-religious relations. M e t h o d s . This study uses an analytical approach, structural analysis and empirical methods. The analytical approach is used to analyze socio-religious relations and their impact on the situation in the conditions of military aggression. The structural analysis allows us to investigate religious organizations' humanitarian and peace-making activities. Empirical methods are used to collect and analyze factual data regarding the role of religious organizations in opposing the aggressor. The case study method or the method of specific situations was used to study specific cases of successful activities of religious organizations in crises. R e s u l t s . Analyzing the activities of religious organizations, it was found that they play an essential role in public resistance to the aggressor. Religious organizations are actively engaged in humanitarian and peacekeeping activities, assisting internally displaced persons, evacuated citizens, and informing the world about Russian aggression. C o n c l u s i o n s . The study confirms the importance of public mobilization and humanitarian activities of religious organizations in crises. In order to achieve successful results in the fight against the enemy, the state must promote the development of religious activities and provide conditions for their humanitarian and peacekeeping work. This article can be helpful for teachers and students of courses in political science, sociology, cultural studies, religious sociology, security and conflict studies who are interested in the study of socio-religious relations, public resistance in crises and the role of religious organizations in conflicts.

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