
Understanding siderophile element partitioning between metal and silicate melts under diverse conditions can be used to place important constraints on the materials and conditions of planetary accretion and core formation, as well as post core formation processes. However, the effects of Si on the partitioning and activity coefficients for these elements are not well known, despite Si likely being one of the dominant light elements in Earth’s core. To address this gap in understanding, we have undertaken a systematic study of the highly siderophile elements Re, Pt, Os, and Ru, and the refractory lithophile elements Nb, Ta and Ti at 1600 °C and 1 GPa, to derive epsilon interaction parameters for these elements in FeSi metallic liquids. Positive epsilon interaction parameters were measured for Nb, Ta, Ti, Ru, Re, Pt, and Os, indicating that dissolved Si in Fe liquids causes a decrease in their metal/silicate partition coefficients (or ‘silicophobic’ behavior). Furthermore, εRe,Os,orRuSi > εRe,Os,orRuS which means Si causes a larger decrease in D(metal/silicate) than S, and the chalcophile behavior expected from some elements will be completely masked by the presence of Si in a metallic liquid. The new parameters are used to update an activity model that now includes 36 siderophile elements in Fe-Ni-Si-S-C liquids (27 trace elements considered here). Systematic assessment of these 27 elements shows which have the strongest affinity for Si, C, and S, and also how activity coefficients for these elements would vary during accretion and core formation in Earth, Mars, and Mercury of widely differing fO2 and core compositional conditions. The activity model is combined with new partitioning expressions for Mo, W, Cr, Re Ru, Pt, and Os and applied to aspects of post core formation mantle geochemistry of Earth, Mars, and Mercury. Our updated expressions show that the BSE Mo/W ratio can easily be achieved with metal/silicate partitioning during growth of the Earth, whereas Re, Os and Ru become lower than and highly fractionated compared with BSE values during core formation and accretion, and thus nearly 99% of their BSE abundances are likely contributed by late accretion. Ru isotopes should be a very good indicator of the source material for the late accretion. The high Pt/Os and Re/Os developed in a deepening magma ocean during the growth of the Earth, indicates 186Os and 187Os isotopes could be coupled if this ancient material remained isolated and subsequently became entrained in mantle plumes and measured in surficial lavas. The extent to which this occurred will be limited by the low Os content of this ancient material, thus requiring mixing as a major component in plume sources. Martian mantle Hf/W ratio stays low during accretion and core formation modelling, suggesting that W isotope anomalies are more likely due to solid/liquid silicate fractionation than to core formation. Finally, Ti contents measured by MESSENGER at Mercury’s surface can be explained by segregation of either a metallic core (IW-6 to -8) or metallic core + sulfide (IW-4 to -7.5) followed by mantle melting.

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