
The bank of Lithuania in its supervisory functions evaluates how credit unions carries out the prudential norms (capital adequacy, liquidity, maximum open position in foreign currency, the maximum loan amount per borrower, large loan requirements), examine the overall financial condition of the credit union, is watching whether the credit union's activities comply with laws, regulations, statutes and internal union document requirements. However, the steady growth of the credit union's capital, loan number and size of credit unions operating regulations limiting still does not measure the credit union's business risk profile and operational efficiency, protect against failures, errors or loss. The analysis of scientific literature also shows that there is no unanimous and undisputed methodology for enterprises performance evaluation. Moreover, there is no company's evaluation models adapted to specifically interested persons group and one to of the financial institutions, i.e. credit unions. Therefore, performance evaluation of credit union and prediction research of their financial parameters in this area is valuable, relevant and new, in both theoretical and practical terms. The aim - to perform Lithuanian credit unions comparative performance evaluation. The scientific literature suggests that credit unions' assessment can be carried out both traditional (dynamics, structure, relative indicators, business continuity) and the innovative modern methods. It should be emphasized that the evaluation of the activities is individual for each business enterprise, because it depends on many factors, such as: object of assessment, the assessment purpose; the assessment period; assessment of the required information and the availability of data, the evaluation period, the users of evaluation results and other. It should be noted that the main users of credit unions performance assessment results are the owners (partners), creditors and future owners and lenders and borrowers. According to the Securities stock exchange NASDAQ OMX Vilnius (2010) proposed financial ratios calculation methodology were calculated and compared 76 credit unions operating in Lithuania profitability, efficiency, and financial leverage ratios. By using linear and exponential trend methodology analysed the mean trends of Lithuanian credit unions key performance indicators. It should be noted that setup of complex financial indicators, tailored specifically to the financial institution with the opportunity to compare it with other relevant authorities of the credit unions' assessment and performance expected.


  • how credit unions carries out the prudential norms

  • whether the credit union's activities comply with laws

  • no company's evaluation models adapted to specifically interested persons group

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Lietuvos kredito unijų veiklos vertinimo teoriniai pagrindai

Akcentuotina, jog veiksnių, darančių įtaką kredito unijų veiklos rezultatyvumui ir tæstinumui spektras yra gana platus. Kad ekonominę veiklą galima įvertinti, pasitelkus tam tikrus finansinius rodiklius ar jų grupes, kurie yra priskiriami specifiniams analizės būdams. Tuo tarpu metodiką jis apibūdina kaip visumą būdų ir taisyklių, kurių reikia laikytis, norint išsamiai įvertinti įmonės veiklą, tai reiškia, kad metodika yra analizės atlikimo tvarkos ir analizuojamų rodiklių algoritmų aprašymas. Veiklos vertinimo sistemos ne tik turėtų būti pritaikytos prie konkrečių kiekvienos įmonės sąlygų, bet kartu turi būti panašios, kad būtų galima palyginti įmonių veiklos pasiekimus, nes matuoti dabartinius veiklos pasiekimus, juos su niekuo nelyginant nėra jokios prasmės. Kaip teigia Mackevičius, Valkauskas, (2010), norint tinkamai panaudoti finansinės atskaitomybės teikiamą informaciją, reikia mokėti ją analizuoti ir vertinti: apskaičiuoti tam tikrus rodiklius, juos sugrupuoti, susisteminti, nustatyti veiksnius, turėjusius įtakos jų pokyčiams, padaryti apibendrinamąsias išvadas ir kt. Jog pastaraisiais metais veiklos vertinimo metu teikiamos informacijos poreikis nuolat didėja, nes jos reikia vis naujiems vartotojams ar jų grupėms

Lietuvos kredito unijų veiklos vertinimo metodologija
Lietuvos kredito unijų veiklos vertinimo rezultatai
Palūkanų išlaidų ir turto LKU santykis
Išlaidų ir santykio rodiklis
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