
The implementation of the humanitarian potential of physical education greatly contributes to the orientation of its content on the formation of a universal personality of the future specialist in physical culture and sports activities, in which the motivational and value consciousness plays an important role self-knowledge. The basis of physical education is the organic unity of its components - physical perfection, motivational-value orientations, as well as physical culture and sports activities, where self-knowledge serves as the basis and the initial stage of their formation. The purpose of the article is to study the component of activity of readiness for self-knowledge in the process of physical education. Accordingly, the task of this study is to study the structure of the activity of the component of self-knowledge in the process of physical education; to develop recommendations for improving the process of self-knowledge. The following research methods were used to solve the tasks: theoretical - analysis of literary sources, this method of research was used to study the structure of the activity component of self-knowledge in the process of physical training; empirical - interviews, discussions and observations are used to determine indicators for developing recommendations for improving the process of self-knowledge. As a result of the study, recommendations were developed to improve the process of self-knowledge: the definition of personal motives that will be based on self-knowledge; identification of personal needs for self-knowledge in the process of physical education; use of educational situations that stimulate independent physical education and sports activities of students; creation of conditions for the systematic overcoming of difficulties arising in the exercise of physical exercises, education in itself of volitional qualities, purposefulness, determination, perseverance, courage, perseverance in achieving the goal; development of constant readiness to solve life's tasks, activities; manifestation of collectivism, active participation in sporting competitions; formation of cognitive activity and deepening of special knowledge on physical education.

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