
The legal framework for the protection against the radon in Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter: BiH) is outdated. It covers the works involved in the practices with ionizing sources but does not clearly defines the activities which could involve NORM. The protection against the radon exposure goes beyond the radiation protection field, since it includes the building codes, the legal framework on air quality, and many other relevant legislations in BiH which now do not include the recommendation on protection against radon. As the BiH is a member of the International atomic energy agency (hereinafter: IAEA) and potential candidate for European union (hereinafter: EU) membership, activities of the State regulatory agency for radiation and nuclear safety (hereinafter: SRARNS), include activities on improvement and extension of the legal framework for protection against the radon exposure, which means the creation of new Regulation on monitoring of radioactivity in BiH. The most important activity concerning 222Rn matter is the national technical cooperation project with the IAEA TC for the cycle 2020-2021. Through this project BiH will gather first comprehensive measurements of the radon concentration from the whole territory in systematic way. The result of this project will help to create a first versions of the database and map radon concentration. The working group, made of the representatives of the relevant institutions, will have to decide which following steps BiH’s government will need to do to enable its citizens healthier living and working environment when it comes to the protection against the radon exposure.

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