
Despite its success as an invasive species, little is known about the ecological aspects of the gekkonid lizard Hemidactylus frenatus in Colombia. In the present study the size at maturity, sexual dimorphism, reproductive activity, and diet composition of a population of this species in an urban locality of Northern Colombia were determined. We conducted eleven samplings from September 2011 to August 2012 in buildings of the municipality of Sincelejo. A total of 264 specimens H. frenatus were captured, 112 were adult females, 133 adult males and 19 juveniles. Males reach sexual maturity at a smaller size (snout-vent length) than females (males: 35.7 mm; females: 42.7 mm), also they are larger and have proportionally larger heads and mouths than females. Males were reproductive throughout the year; although testicular volume varied significantly between samples, this variation was not associated with body size and precipitation in the study area. Reproductive adult females were found during all the sampling period. Females have an invariable clutch size of two eggs and we found no differences in the diameter and weight of eggs in each oviduct. The diet of H. frenatus is varied, with Diptera, Hemiptera and Formicidae being the prey types with the greatest relative importance values. Individuals of both sexes consume a similar volume and number of prey. Thus, the studied population of H. frenatus has continuous reproductive activity and a generalist-opportunistic feeding behavior. The climatic conditions of the study area, environmental availability of prey and intrinsic features of this species appear to be responsible for their abundance and colonizing success in this and other localities.


  • Despite its success as an invasive species, little is known about the ecological aspects of the gekkonid lizard Hemidactylus frenatus in Colombia

  • Females have an invariable clutch size of two eggs and we found no differences in the diameter and weight of eggs in each oviduct

  • Aceito em: 23/11/2017 Publicado em: 20/12/2017 Editor Responsável: Marcelo Duarte

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Área de estudio

El trabajo se realizó en la zona urbana del municipio de Sincelejo (09°18’10”N, 75°23’40”O), departamento de Sucre, Colombia, el cual presenta un clima cálido con una temperatura promedio anual de 27.5°C, una humedad relativa promedio de 77% y una precipitación promedio anual de 1.150 mm (Aguilera, 2005). Los menores registros de precipitación del año se presentan durante los meses de enero, febrero y marzo (Fig. 1). Los datos de precipitación histórica fueron obtenidos de la base de datos de WORLDCLIM (Hijmans et al, 2005) usando el programa Diva-Gis (Hijmans et al, 2004) y los del periodo de estudio, de la estación meteorológica de la Universidad de Sucre (sede Puerta Roja)

Recolección de datos
Análisis y observación de estructuras reproductivas
Análisis de los contenidos estomacales
Evaluación de la disponibilidad ambiental de presas
Análisis de datos
Sexo Hembra Macho Hembra Macho Hembra Macho Hembra Macho
Actividad reproductiva de los machos
Actividad reproductiva de las hembras
Actividad copulatoria
Tamaño de madurez y dimorfismo sexual
Actividad reproductiva
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