
Active and passive acoustic systems may be used for port protection against threats from divers, free swimmers, Unmanned Underwater Vehicles, etc. Currently, underwater port protection is provided by Diver Detection Sonars (DDS), and Sonardyne has developed the market-leading active system, Sentinel. Stevens’ scientific research in passive acoustics led to the development of algorithms for threat detection that were realized in the Stevens Passive Acoustic Detection System (SPADES). Sonardyne and Stevens have formed a partnership to investigate a combined active/passive system that will leverage the functionality of existing sensors to design, develop, and produce a system with superior capabilities and performance as opposed to a single system. The combined system provides detection not only for underwater targets, but also for surface vessels. Possible configurations include: (1) a scenario where acoustic pulses emitted by the Sonardyne sonar and reflected by the target can be received and processed by SPADES; (2) an “acoustic fence,” whereby the detection of targets occurs as they cross a line between the transmitter and receiver. This configuration takes advantage of the significant increase in target scattering strength in the forward direction versus that from the backscatter; and (3) a fusion between detections and/or tracks from the passive and active sensors to provide an increased probability of detection and reduced probability of false alarm.

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