
This report includes complete VH and V kappa nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of idiotypically cross-reactive monoclonal anti-fluorescein antibodies that differed greater than 10(5)-fold in affinity. High affinity monoclonal antibody 4-4-20 and intermediate affinity antibodies 10-25, 5-14, 9-40, 12-40, and 3-24 utilized greater than or equal to 90% homologous VHIIIC germ-line genes. Extensive D segment length and sequence variability were observed; however, compensatory germ-line JH4 (4-4-20 and 3-24) or JH3 (10-25, 5-14, 9-40, and 12-40) sequence lengths resulted in H chain CDR3 + FR4 to be a constant 18 amino acids. In addition, each antibody and low affinity 3-13 rearranged greater than or equal to 96% homologous V kappa II genes to J kappa 1, except for 10-25 (J kappa 5) and 3-13 (J kappa 4). Resolved crystal structure of complexed fluorescein and 4-4-20 Fab fragments revealed residues HisL27d, TyrL32, ArgL34, SerL91, TrpL96, and TrpH33 acted as hapten contact residues. Antibodies 5-14, 9-40, 12-40, and 3-24 primary structures possessed identical contact residues as 4-4-20 except for the substitution of HisL34 for ArgL34. Thus, ArgL34 was implicated in the increased affinity of monoclonal antibody 4-4-20. Finally, it was difficult to correlate extensive H chain CDR3 residue heterogeneity directly with fluorescein binding and idiotypy.

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