
Antitissue factor antibody attenuated the coagulopathic and lethal responses to LD100Escherichia coli, whereas active site inhibited factor Xa inhibited only the coagulopathic response. In this study, we wished to determine: (1) whether active site inhibited factor VIIa blocks the coagulopathic and/or attenuates the lethal effects of LD100E coli and (2) whether these effects are accompanied by attenuation of the inflammatory cytokine response to LD100E coli. Eight baboons infused for 2 hours with LD100E coli also were given five bolus infusions of DEGR VIIa of 280 μg/kg at T = −10 minutes, +2, 4, 6, and 8 hours and observed for changes in vital signs, and the concentrations of hemostatic components (fibrinogen, platelets, fibrin degradation products) and inflammatory mediators (tumor necrosis factor [TNF], interleukin-6 [IL-6], IL-8) at T = 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours. Eight control baboons were also infused with LD100E coli alone and followed as described above. Four of the eight baboons treated with DEGR VIIa were permanent 7-day survivors versus none in the control group. The mean survival times for the treated and control groups were 116 ± 22 and 26 ± 8 hours, respectively. These values differed significantly from each other, (P = .0008). The decrease in platelet and fibrinogen concentrations and the increase in fibrin degradation products observed in the control group were significantly attenuated in the treated group, as was thrombosis of renal glomerular capillaries. Treatment with DEGR VIIa showed no effect on the peak TNF response to LD100E coli at T = 2 hours (170 ± 32 v120 ± 35 ng/mL). DEGR VIIa, however, did attenuate the IL-6 and IL-8 responses at T = 8 hours (ie, the IL-6 concentrations were 81 ± 10 for treated and 1,256 ± 236 for the control groups and the IL-8 concentrations were 28 ± 3.9 for the treated and 60 ± 8.2 for the control group). These values for IL-6 and IL-8 differed significantly from each other between the treated and control groups (P = .0001 and .0074, respectively). It should be noted that the initial responses of IL-6 and IL-8 up to T = 4 hours were not attenuated. We concluded that DEGR VIIa treatment attenuates inflammatory, as well as hemostatic system responses to LD100E coli. We hypothesize that this occurs through interference with the assembly and/or interactions of tissue factor/VIIa complexes.

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