
We study the two-dimensional overdamped motion of an active particle whose orientational dynamics is subject to fractional Brownian noise, whereas its position is affected by self-propulsion and Brownian fluctuations. From a Langevin-like model of active motion with constant swimming speed, we derive the corresponding Fokker–Planck equation, from which we find the angular probability density of the particle orientation for arbitrary values of the Hurst exponent that characterizes the fractional rotational noise. We provide analytical expressions for the velocity autocorrelation function and the translational mean-squared displacement, which show that active diffusion effectively emerges in the long-time limit for all values of the Hurst exponent. The corresponding expressions for the active diffusion coefficient and the effective rotational diffusion time are also derived. Our results are compared with numerical simulations of active particles with rotational motion driven by fractional Brownian noise, with which we find an excellent agreement.

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