
Active middle ear implants augment sound waves and directly stimulate the middle ear structures. The most frequently utilised active middle ear implant is the Vibrant Soundbridge TM (VSB).CT plays a vital role in appropriate patient selection and surgical planning of active middle ear implant surgery. The VSB TM offers a number of options for implant placement. The ideal location is influenced by the patient's middle ear and mastoid anatomy as well as the type and severity of the hearing loss. CT provides important information on the surgical access to the middle ear and helps determine the most appropriate implant site by assessing the adjacent middle ear anatomy and the continuity of the ossicular chain. Post-operative active middle ear implant imaging may be indicated in the setting of poor auditory outcomes and when revision surgery is being considered so as to assess for suboptimal implant placement or migration.This pictorial review will describe the VSB TM middle ear device and explain the role of imaging in both the pre-operative and post-operative settings.

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