
Active life expectancy (ALE) is defined as an expected duration to be spent with a certain level of physical/mental function. The objectives of this article are to indicate ALE values based on our prospective observation, and to discuss factors influencing regional and gender differences in ALE values. We estimated ALE without disability in basic activities of daily living (ADL) on a 5% random sample (n = 3,459) of the residents aged 65 years and over in Sendai City between 1988 and 1991. At the age 65, ALE was 14.7 years for men and 17.7 years for women. ALE occupied 91% of the total life expectancy for men and 87% for women. As compared with the reports for the American elderly, ALE was longer in Sendai than in the United States. The duration to be spent with disability was shorter among the subjects in Sendai. We estimated ALEs in three functional areas: basic ADL, instrumental ADL, and mobility, on all the residents aged 65 years and over (n = 3,590) at Wakuya Town between 1994 and 1996. For both sexes, ALE in IADL was shorter than those in basic ADL and mobility. The development and progression of disability were different between sexes: men experienced disability at a younger age and progressed at a faster rate than women.

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