
In today’s digital era, students are no longer passive learners because they can access information conveniently anywhere anytime through, e.g. their mobile computing devices such as iphone. In order to arouse students’ interests in learning as well as enhance teaching, there is a need to incorporate more activities in class which means establishing active learning. Here active learning refers to a learning process in which students will actively engage by, e.g. working on some real cases, projects and simulation games. In fact, prior research on higher education indicates that active learning is especially important for tertiary and advanced education because it emphasizes higher ordering thinking such as synthesized analysis and solution development. Based on my own teaching and curriculum development experience with active learning components for over a decade, I discuss and propose in this paper several practical ways on how active learning can be incorporated into the subject on fashion and textiles supply chain management. I also suggest several future research areas on active learning and teaching for fashion and textiles supply chain management and related subjects.

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