
The radial electric field plays an important role in plasma confinement in tokamaks and can be generated through neutral beam injection. In this study, we propose a model for calculating the radial electric field resulting from tangential local neutral beamlet injection, aiming to externally control and improve plasma confinement. The Neutral beamlet ion and Energetic particles Orbit mover and Electric field solver code has been developed to analyze this issue, and its simulation results have been validated against results from other codes as well as measurements from correlation reflectometers. The charge separation is primarily caused by the redistribution and loss of beam ions due to magnetic gradient and curvature drift as well as collision effects, and it is maintained through continuous beamlet injection. The electric field is calculated using Poisson’s equation, taking into account both classical and neoclassical polarization effects. The results demonstrate that despite the high losses and low heating efficiency associated with localized beamlets, they are capable of generating a significant radial electric field characterized by a steep gradient. This presents opportunities for external control of the electric field, potentially enhancing plasma confinement.

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