
To report on an active case finding (ACF) intervention that took place in the migrant camp of Oinofyta, Greece, upon suspicion of active TB transmission. Upon diagnosis of 3TB cases among camp residents, an ACF intervention among contacts was implemented. All camp residents were offered two-step screening, that is tuberculin skin testing (TST) followed by chest X-ray in case of positive TST (defined as ≥5mm). 336 of 379 (89%) camp residents underwent TST testing, of whom 110 (33%) exhibited a positive skin reaction. The rate of positive TST results was particularly high in the elderly and significantly higher in adults than in children. Differences by sex or nationality were not observed. Of the 110 cases with positive TST, only 75 underwent chest X-ray, resulting in the detection of one pulmonary TB case in an adult woman. In the given intervention context, two-step ACF proved to be operationally cumbersome, with many residents lost to follow-up and a high Number Needed to Screen. Simpler ACF designs should be pilot-tested in similar settings in the future, and blanket screening of all camp residents should be reconsidered. Conclusions drawn by these exercises should pave the way for adopting a comprehensive, context-specific and evidence-based national strategy on TB in migrants.

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