
A simple model for the motion of passive particles in a bath of active, self-propelled ones is introduced. It is argued that this approach provides the correct framework within which to cast the recent experimental results obtained by Wu and Libchaber [Phys Rev. Lett. 84, 3017 (2000)] for the diffusive properties of polystyrene beads displaced by bacteria suspended in a two-dimensional fluid film. Our results suggest that superdiffusive behavior should indeed be generically observed in the transition region marking the onset of collective motion.


  • To cite this version: Guillaume Grégoire, Hugues Chaté, Yuhai Tu

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To cite this version: Guillaume Grégoire, Hugues Chaté, Yuhai Tu. Active and passive particles: Modeling beads in a bacterial bath. Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, American Physical Society, 2001, pp.011902.

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