
Objective. Identification and systematization of activators of marketing communications, as an iterative integrator of processes, factors, tools that ensure the promotion of tourist services. Methods. In the research process, the following methods were used: theoretical generalization (when characterizing the concepts of "marketing communications", "tourist service"), analysis and synthesis (for the formation of a complex of methods of marketing communications of tourist enterprises), matrix (when systematizing the activators of marketing communications regarding the sale of tourist services). Results. Tourist services, i.e. transportation, temporary accommodation, food, excursion, resort, sports, entertainment and other services are provided by tour operators, travel agents, accommodation establishments, restaurant establishments, transport organizations, etc. That is, the range of business entities that must ensure interaction and communication is wide and requires established communications. The communication policy of the business entity involves the integration of management decisions regarding the goals of marketing communications, the implementation of the communication process for their implementation, a set of marketing communications methods that should ensure an effective commercial result from the sale of tourist services. In a certain sense, the provision of tourist services can be represented as a communication process, within the framework of which communications take place between travel agencies and tourists, as well as within these groups. As a result, different marketing communication systems can be considered: between travel agencies and customers, between travel agencies and between tourists, all of which require different methods of marketing communications. In order to successfully implement the communication process, which has an iterative feature, i.e. the possible unlimited sequence options and combinations of communication policy elements, it is necessary to identify and systematize the activators of marketing communications regarding the implementation of tourist services. By activators we will understand the factors, tools, processes of marketing communications that ensure the promotion of tourist services, overcoming the negative consequences of macroeconomic (consequences of the war in Ukraine, political, economic, social instability, etc.) and microeconomic (limitation of costs for marketing communications, lack of a strategic vision for the development of tourist enterprises, shortcomings in the training of personnel involved in the field of tourism, etc.) upheavals. The activators of marketing communications regarding the sale of tourist services can be considered separate processes related to the quality of tourist services, demand formation, informational support of tourist enterprises, social moments of communication with consumers and the public, etc.; factors (institutional, social, cultural, infrastructural); tools (formally established rules and informal traditions, market segmentation, modification of tourist services, language environment, entrepreneurial culture, special information systems) and methods of marketing communications (advertising, sales promotion, personal sales, PR, sponsorship, direct marketing, direct communications, promotion -tours), which in the proposed combination ensure the realization of the goals of marketing communications of tourist enterprises.

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