
We examined the anatomical connections of trigeminal neurons between the trigeminal subnuclei interpolaris/caudalis (Vi/Vc) transition and caudal subnucleus caudalis/upper cervical dorsal horn (Vc/C(1,2)) zones in rats, using the fluorogold (FG) retrograde tracing method combined with Fos expression, a marker of neuronal activation, following temporomandibular joint (TMJ) inflammation. The head withdrawal threshold was also measured in rats 3 days after complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA)-induced TMJ inflammation. The head withdrawal threshold on the inflamed side was significantly decreased after CFA injection into the TMJ. FG was injected into the Vi/Vc transition zone and retrogradely labeled FG-positive cells were observed in the Vc/C(1,2) region. Numerous Fos protein-expressing cells were present both in the Vi/Vc transition zone and in the laminated Vc/C(1,2) zone. A population of cells was double-labeled with Fos and FG in the Vc/C(1,2) zone. Fos/FG cells were only observed in the deep laminae of the Vc/C(1,2) zone. These findings suggest that Vi/Vc transition zone activity is modulated by activation of the caudal laminated zone after orofacial tissue injury.

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