
The entry into mitosis is dependent on the activation of mitotic forms of cdc2 kinase. In many cell types, cyclin A-associated kinase activity peaks just prior to that of cyclin B, although the precise role of cyclin A-associated kinase in the entry into mitosis is still unclear. Previous work has suggested that while cyclin B is capable of triggering cyclin destruction in Xenopus cell-free systems, cyclin A-associated kinase is not able to support this function. Here we have expressed a full-length human cyclin A in Escherichia coli and purified the protein to homogeneity by virtue of an N-terminal histidine tag. We have found that when added to Xenopus cell-free extracts free of cyclin B and incapable of protein synthesis, the temporal pattern of cyclin A-associated cdc2 kinase activity showed distinct differences that were dependent on the concentration of cyclin A added. When cyclin A was added to a concentration that generated levels of cdc2 kinase activity capable of inducing nuclear envelope breakdown, the histone H1 kinase activity profile was bi-phasic, consisting of an activation phase followed by an inactivation phase. Inactivation was found to be due to cyclin destruction, which was prevented by mos protein. Cyclin destruction was followed by nuclear reassembly and an additional round of DNA replication, indicating that there is no protein synthesis requirement for DNA replication in this embryonic system. It has been suggested that the evolutionary recruitment of cyclin A into an S phase function may have necessitated the loss of an original mitotic ability to activate the cyclin destruction pathway. The results presented here indicate that cyclin A has not lost the ability to activate its own destruction and that cyclin A-mediated activation of the cyclin destruction pathway permitted destruction of cyclin B1 as well as cyclin A, indicating that there are not distinct cyclin A and cyclin B destruction pathways. Thus the ordered progression of the cell cycle requires the careful titration of cyclin. A concentration in order to avoid activation of the cyclin destruction pathway before sufficient active cyclin B/cdc2 kinase has accumulated.

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