
Fifteen patients with Borrelia recurrentis infection were studied to evaluate the roles of certain plasma proteins and endotoxin in the pathophysiology of both the acute illness and the Jarisch-Herxheimer-like reaction. The causative spirochetes disappeared from the blood during the Jarisch-Herxheimer-like reaction, which occurred about 2 hours after antibiotic therapy. The mean titers of Hageman factor, plasma prekallikrein and serum hemolytic complement activity were decreased at the time of admission and 2 hours after treatment, and rose to normal values during convalescence. Serum properdin titers were decreased in 14 patients at the time of admission, in 12 patients 2 hours after treatment, and in none during convalescence. The frequency of elevated levels of fibrinogen-related antigens increased from three patients at the time of admission to 12 patients 2 hours after treatment. Results of plasma limulus tests for endotoxin-like material were positive in 11 patients at the time of admission and in 13 patients 2 hours after treatment. These findings demonstrated that Hageman factor, prekallikrein and proteins of the complement system are activated in B. recurrentis infection and that endotoxin may play a role in both the acute illness and in the development of the Jarisch-Herxheimer-like reaction after treatment.

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