
Purpose. Finding ways to activate the germination of sugar beet seeds, obtaining even and synchronous sprouts when applying fertilizer compositions with nanoscale elements.Methods. Vegetation and laboratory. The seeds of sugar beet were sown in prepared utensils with soil in accordance with the requirements of the methods for vegetation experiments. Fertilizers were introduced in the form of solutions with different ratios according to six microstages.Results. At 01 microstage on the BBCH scale (130 hours after sowing), an increase in the mass of beet fruits in all variants was observed - in the control variant by 9.78%; in the application of nanofertilizers - 20,4-23,7%. The diameter of the fruit varied similarly to changes in mass: in the control variant, the diameter change was 4.95%; in variants with application of nanofertilizers — 9.56-13.9%. Changes in the rate of sprout organs formation and their linear dimensions were noted in the various fertilization schemes. The length of the embryonic root at 05 microstage with uniform introduction of high norms of zinc and phosphorus, after 40 hours after sowing, was 0.540-2.671 mm. For other fertilizer combinations, the appearance of the germ root was noted only 44 hours after sowing. In 60 hours after sowing (07 microstage on the BBCH scale) there was a complete exit of cotyledons from the socket of the cluster with the introduction of nano chelate microfertilizers and only the beginning of the exit of cotyledons in the control variant. Due to the intensive processes of swelling and germination, the growth of the primary root of the sugar beet was accelerated.Conclusions. Uniform provision of seeds with zinc and especially phosphorus on the background of basic complex fertilizer with nanoscale elements contributed to the activation of seed germination and the intense formation of synchronously developed shoots. On average, the opening of the pericarp lid and the appearance of the root accelerated for 4 hours; 6 hours earlier there was an exit of cotyledons. With the introduction of nano chelate fertilizers, root growth and elongation of the hypocotyl at the first microstages of sugar beet sprouting were accelerated twice, due to which the sugar beet sprouts appeared 4-6 hours earlier. Nano chelate microfertilizers, promoting even and synchronous germination, development of sugar beet seedlings ensured synchronous emergence of seedlings and formation of predetermined sowing density without further reduction of plants.


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Íàíîïðåïàðàòè, âïëèâàþ÷è íà ñêëàäíî îðãàí3çîâàí3 â ãåíåòè÷íîìó â3äíîøåíí3 êîíñòðóêö3¿ ðîñëèííîãî îðãàí3çìó ñó÷àñíèõ ñîðò3â 3 ã3áðèä3â ñ3ëüñüêîãîñïîäàðñüêèõ êóëüòóð ÷åðåç êîìïëåêñí3 çì3íè ïðîò3êàííÿ ô3ç3îëîã3÷íèõ 3 á3îõ3ì3÷íèõ ïðîöåñ3â é ðåàë3çàö3¿ ¿õíüîãî ãåíåòè÷íîãî ïîòåíö3àëó â óìîâàõ ïîñò3éíî ä3þ÷èõ àá3îòè÷íèõ 3 á3îòè÷íèõ ÷èííèê3â, ñïðèÿþòü çàáåçïå÷åííþ ðîñëèííîãî îðãàí3çìó åíåðãåòè÷íèìè òà àäàïòèâíèìè ðåñóðñàìè [1, 2]. ISSN 2518-1017 Plant Varieties Studying and protection, 2019, Vol 15, No 4 Ìåòà äîñë3äæåíü ïîëÿãàëà â ïîøóêó øëÿõ3â àêòèâ3çàö3¿ ïðîðîñòàííÿ íàñ3ííÿ áóðÿê3â öóêðîâèõ, îòðèìàííÿ äðóæíèõ, ñèíõðîííèõ ñõîä3â øëÿõîì çàñòîñóâàííÿ êîìïîçèö3é äîáðèâ ç íàíîðîçì3ðíèìè åëåìåíòàìè æèâëåííÿ.

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