
A specific IgM antibody response toward the trinitrophenol (TNP) hapten can be induced in mononuclear blood cell suspensions upon culture with a particulate antigen: polyacrylamide beads conjugated with the TNP hapten (TNP-PAA). The response, and its specificity, are demonstrated by an increase in the number of TNP binding B lymphocytes (specific rosette forming cells), by the appearance of cells producing anti-TNP antibody at a high rate (haemolytic plaques), (ELISA test). The anti-TNP response requires monocytes, the role of which is to produce interleukin-1 (IL-1) and T lymphocytes (belonging to the T4 helper subset) the role of which is to produce interleukins (the characterization of which is under study). We propose a model or B cell activation based on the following signals: an early specific signal, provided by the particulate antigen; several non specific signals, provided by T derived interleukins. The anti-TNP response is negatively regulated by monocytes, the functional states of which can be modified in certain situations (autoimmunity, aging) or influenced by glucocorticoids. Suppressor T lymphocytes of this response (not exclusively of the T8 phenotype) can be induced and this can allow the evaluation of T suppressor cell function. This was used in adult idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura treated with high doses of intra-venous gammaglobulins.

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