
Shortage of energy resources and production of long-livedradioactivity wastes from fission reactors are among the main problemswhich will be faced in the world in the near future. The conceptualdesign of a fusion driven subcritical system (FDS) is underway inInstitute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. There arealternative designs for multi-functional blanket modules of the FDS,such as fuel breeding blanket module (FBB) to produce fuels for fissionreactors, tritium breeding blanket module to produce the fuel, i.e.tritium, for fusion reactor and waste transmutation blanket module to try topermanently dispose of long-lived radioactivity wastes from fissionreactors, etc. Activation of the fuel breeding blanket of the fusiondriven subcritical system (FDS-FBB) by D-T fusion neutrons from the plasma and fissionneutrons from the hybrid blanket are calculated and analysed under theneutron wall loading 0.5 MW/m2 and neutron fluence15 MW.yr/m2. The neutron spectrum is calculated with theworldwide-used transport code MCNP/4C and activation calculations arecarried out with the well known European inventory code FISPACT/99 with thelatest released IAEA Fusion Evaluated Nuclear Data Library FENDL-2.0and the ENDF/B-V uranium evaluated data. Induced radioactivities, doserates and afterheats, etc, for different components of the FDS-FBB arecompared and analysed.

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