
Monensin rapidly tripled the initial rate and extent of α-aminoisobutyric acid accumulation by Swiss 3T3 cells. This ionophore catalyzes the electroneutral exchange of external Na for cellular protons and stimulates the NaK pump by suppling it with more Na. The stimulation of the NaK pump and α-aminoisobutyric acid uptake exhibited a similar dependence on monensin concentration. Ouabain prevented monensin from increasing α-aminoisobutyric acid transport. Aminoisobutryic acid transport was more than doubled at low doses of monensin that activated the NaK pump by elevating cell Na without significantly changing cell K. The rapid activation of α-aminoisobutyric acid transport is probably due to the hyperpolarizing effect of stimulating the electrogenic NaK pump. The stimulation of the NaK pump is quiescent fibroblasts by serum or growth factors may be sufficient to activate the Na-dependent amino acid transport systems.

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