
Los sistemas de partidos europeos han sido testigos de la articulación de elementos discursivos populistas por partidos con perfiles ideológicos muy diferentes. En este trabajo analizamos el papel y los correlatos de las actitudes populistas en España, Francia e Italia, tres países que presentan importantes diferencias en términos de la naturaleza de los partidos que articulan discursos populistas. En primer lugar, llevamos a cabo análisis factoriales a fin de explorar el mapa de preferencias de políticas y actitudes políticas en estos tres países. Estos análisis revelan la presencia de una dimensión de actitudes populistas claramente distinguible en los tres países. En segundo lugar examinamos la articulación partidista de las preferencias ciudadanas en los espacios bidimensionales constituidos por las actitudes populistas, las preferencias económicas de izquierda-derecha y las preferencias relativas a la inmigración. Nuestro análisis muestra la presencia de una fuerte asociación, al nivel partidista, entre actitudes populistas y preferencias económicas, y el carácter ortogonal de la relación entre actitudes populistas y preferencias relativas a la inmigración. Finalmente, nuestro análisis de los condicionantes socio-estructurales de las actitudes populistas revela que estas actitudes tienden a estar positivamente asociadas con niveles de ingreso inferiores, con ocupaciones menos cualificadas y con niveles educativos más bajos.


  • European party systems have witnessed the increasing prevalence of populist discursive elements among political parties with quite diverse ideological platforms (Mudde 2004; Mudde and Rovira Kaltwasser 2013; Andreadis and Stavrakakis 2017; Anselmi 2017)

  • Scholars discuss a myriad of factors that have favored this political transformation, pinpointing to structural processes connected to globalization (Kriesi et al 2008; Inglehart and Norris 2016), the crisis of European party systems (Mudde and Rovira Kaltwasser 2013; Roberts 2015; Anselmi 2017; Bornschier 2018) and conjunctural events, such as the Great Recession (Hobolt and Tilley 2016; Andreadis and Stavrakakis 2017) and the migration waves arriving from Africa and the Middle East triggering heightened perceptions of threat (Brubaker 2017; Ivaldi et al 2017)

  • To fully understand the interplay between populist messages that draw on such contexts and the motivation for individuals to support populist parties, the ideational theory distinguishes between populist positions on the supply-side and on the demand-side

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European party systems have witnessed the increasing prevalence of populist discursive elements among political parties with quite diverse ideological platforms (Mudde 2004; Mudde and Rovira Kaltwasser 2013; Andreadis and Stavrakakis 2017; Anselmi 2017). Our analyses continue and complement these different studies by examining the role of policy preferences and populist attitudes in the structuring of public attitudes and in the articulation of party system maps in these three countries While these three countries have experienced important party system transformations in the face of economic crises and in the context of encompassing globalization processes, populist discursive elements (Hawkins and Castanho Silva 2018; Ivaldi et al 2017) have been articulated by parties adopting very different ideological and programmatic platforms (leftist in the case of the France Insoumise, Podemos, and Unidad Popular-Izquierda Unida, rightist in the case of the Front National and the Lega Nord, and centrist and/or ambiguous in the case of the Movimento 5 Stelle) and appealing to voters with different types of ideological, attitudinal, and socioeconomic characteristics. In the second section we examine the positions of different partisan groups in the main attitudinal dimensions identified by our analyses This results in a comparative map of populist attitudes and policy preferences in public opinions, as well as in empirical evidence as to the political articulation of these different types of attitudes in these three countries. In the final section we analyze and compare the strictly socio-structural determinants of populist attitudes in Spain, France, and Italy

Populism and the attitudinal map of public opinions
Issue dimensions and party voters
The social determinants of populist attitudes
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