
Digital technologies are not only the technological basis for the modernization of agricultural production, but also the basis for continuous self-improvement and expansion of knowledge of employees. The transition to the digital economy requires the majority of economic entities related to the agricultural sector to use modern technologies and equipment in their production. In this regard, a constant increase in the qualifi cations of workers in the agricultural sector is required. Therefore it is necessary to establish a system of continuous training throughout the entire working life. The purpose of the work was to study and analyze a number of actions to consolidate the personnel of the agro–industrial complex in the digital economy. The article considers the problem of securing agricultural personnel under the conditions of digital transformation of the rural economy. The main reasons why specialists do not want to find a job in rural areas are: low wages and unsatisfactory working conditions, lack of comfortable housing, insufficiently developed social infrastructure, etc. During research it has been established that the main measures for securing personnel in agriculture are currently becoming economic, in particular material and moral incentives. In turn of this it makes necessary to create a unifi ed monitoring and prediction system based on taking into account the needs of the economy for employees of a certain professional qualification composition, indicating the required level of training for each profession. The analysis of regional programs and measures for securing specialists, which are currently off ered in scientifi c publications, allowed us to conclude that ensuring the infl ux of specialists and young personnel into agriculture is possible by establishing conditions of rural life, improving on a systematic integrated basis the program of their targeted training in agricultural universities, motivating modern youth to work in rural areas due to the current the lack of prestige of agricultural professions and the status of rural lifestyle in general, etc.

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