
Fix a prime number p and let Zp be a cyclic group of order p. We consider a pair (M, 0) consisting of a compact simply connected almost complex manifold M without boundary and a smooth Zp-action 0: ZPX M—>M preserving the almost complex structure of M. We suppose that M is given an invariant Riemannian metric. If a(eM) is an isolated fixed point, then the induced action of Zp on the tangent space at a gives a complex Zp-module Va which has no trivial irreducible factor. Let f : EZp—*BZp be a universal principal Zp-bundle and let f (Vtt) : EZpXzp Va —>BZP be the V0-bundle associated with ?. If a and b are isolated fixed points, we compare the cobordism Euler classes 0(f (Va)) and e(£ (Vb)) which belong to the complex cobordism group MU* (BZP) of the classifying space BZP of Zp. Let .PV be the universal formal group law over MU*9 and write

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