
In the article the author examines the military actions of the English-French fleet in the Gulf of Odesa during the Eastern War (1853–1856) in April 1854. The main statements and assessments regarding the specified events in Russian, Soviet and modern Ukrainian literature and electronic media are identified. It is noted that starting from the Russian press in 1854, the aforementioned actions of the English-French fleet were evaluated as insidious, cruel and unsuccessful. The Allies were accused of staging a provocation in the gulf with the aim of shelling and capturing the peaceful city. Analyzing the facts and testimonies of contemporaries, the author of the article proves that the English-French fleet did not intend to capture Odesa and bombard the city. It is claimed that the Allies' aims were to avenge the Russians' shelling of a parliamentary boat and to destroy British, French and Russian merchant ships in the Gulf of Odesa (the extradition of which had previously been demanded by the Allies). These goals were generally achieved. Therefore, according to the author of the article, the actions of the indicated fleet on April 10 (22), 1854 in the Gulf of Odesa should be considered not a defeat, but a success (albeit a minor one). It is concluded that the use of the terms «defence of Odesa» and «bombardment of Odesa», which are quite common today, is inappropriate in relation to the events of April 1854 in the Gulf of Odesa. It is noted that too much attention has been paid to these events in the historical and local lore literature, although they did not have a significant impact on the course of events of the Eastern War (1853–1856). In the article the author also provides recommendations regarding transferring and changing inscriptions on monuments related to the events of April 1854 in Odesa (a trophy cannon and a monument to Archbishop Innocent), which should be done within the framework of decolonization.

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