
Synthetic atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) inhibited aldosterone production by suspensions of bovine adrenal glomerulosa cells. Inhibition by ANF was most pronounced when basal aldosterone production was measured. The effects of angiotensin II (AII), N 6, O 2′-dibutyryl-adenosine 3′:5′-cyclic monophosphate (dibutyryl cyclic AMP), and elevated potassium were also inhibited by ANF. Inhibition could be partially overcome by high doses of agonist. Inhibition was localized to the early pathway of aldosterogenesis, to a step before cholesterol side-chain cleavage. ANF had no effect on binding of AII to receptors, on the stimulation by AII of phospholipid turnover, or on the alteration by AII of calcium fluxes.

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