
The actions of serotonin (5HT) on passive and active membrane properties of neurons in the rat dorsal lateral septal nucleus (LSN) were studied by using intracellular recordings in transverse, septal slices. Superfusion with 10 microM 5HT induced a hyperpolarization of the membrane in almost all neurons tested in the dorsolateral part of the LSN. The hyperpolarization was accompanied by a decrease in membrane resistance. These effects of 5HT persisted in a low-Ca2+/high-Mg2+-containing medium or medium with tetrodotoxin, indicating a post-synaptic site of action for 5HT. The reversal potential for the hyperpolarizing effect was ca. -95 mV. If the extracellular K+-concentration was raised, the reversal potential became less negative. These data suggest that 5HT hyperpolarizes LSN neurons by increasing a K+-conductance. Spontaneous, synaptically evoked action potentials and action potentials induced in LSN neurons by a depolarizing current step typically display a fast Na+-spike with a subsequent K+-afterhyperpolarization, followed by a much slower Ca2+-dependent afterdepolarization. The amplitude of the K+-afterhyperpolarization was decreased by 5HT, while at the same time the afterdepolarization became more pronounced. The Ca2+-spike of LSN neurons was not affected by 5HT. Synaptic responses that were evoked in LSN neurons by stimulation of the dorsal part of the LSN consisted of a fast EPSP or spike, followed by a Cl(-)-dependent fast IPSP and a K+-dependent late IPSP. Of these synaptic responses, 5HT suppressed particularly the late IPSP. The present data indicate that 5HT affects the conductance for active and passive K+-channels in LSN neurons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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