
Previous studies have documented direct vascular effects of opiate substances in the systemic circulation. Because opiate receptors have been identified in the lung, we wondered whether opiate substances might affect vasoreactivity in the lung circulation. We studied the pulmonary vascular effects of three opiate agonists: morphine, leucine-enkephalin, and dynorphin, as well as the opiate receptor antagonist naloxone, in isolated rat lungs perfused with a cell- and plasma-free salt solution. Because of previous reports of the smooth muscle effects of the methyl- and propylparaben preservatives in the naloxone preparation, we also studied the pulmonary vascular effects of these preservatives in the rat lung circulation. We found that morphine, a mu-receptor agonist, leucine-enkephalin, a delta-receptor agonist, and dynorphin, a kappa-receptor agonist, caused no immediate vascular effect when injected into the pulmonary artery. In addition, morphine did not affect the pulmonary vasoconstrictions induced by hypoxia, angiotensin II, or potassium chloride. The commercial preparation of naloxone, Narcan, caused a marked vasodilation during hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. However, this effect was entirely attributable to the preservatives methyl- and propylparaben, as pure naloxone had no effect on either the baseline pulmonary vascular tone or the vasoconstrictive response to hypoxia. We conclude that opiate receptor agonists and antagonists do not affect vasoreactivity in the rat lung circulation and that the methyl- and propylparaben preservatives in Narcan are pulmonary vasodilators.

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