
The collection of compound action potential (AP) threshold curves and their use to define the sensitivity of individual animals are described. Forward masking AP tuning curves (APTC) have also been collected in the chinchilla. Characteristics of APTCs are compared with single fiber frequency-threshold curves (FTC) in the same group of animals. The two sets of data are quite similar when the probe frequency used to collect the APTC is equated with a fiber's characteristic frequency (CF). The major difference is that APTCs are usually broader than FTCs. A paradigm utilizing two maskers in a forward masking situation, developed to study psychophysical unmasking [19,37], has been modified for measuring AP suppression. AP suppression areas are described as similar to single fiber two-tone suppression areas when probe frequency and CF are above 3 kHz. Relationships among single fiber, AP and psychophysical thresholds, tuning curves and suppression areas are discussed.

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