
In the human being, actinomycosis is primarily a disease of early adult life. That children are rarely affected is evidenced by the fact that many textbooks on pediatrics do not even mention the disease, and those that include it give only meager descriptions. In most of the reported cases of the infection in children, the disease was well advanced when recognized, and with few exceptions it progressed to a fatal termination. Fourteen cases of actinomycosis affecting children aged from 2 to 15 years are reported herewith. The clinical history, symptoms, physical conditions, diagnosis and treatment of actinomycosis in children are similar to those related to the infection in adults. These data, as they pertain to the cervicofacial group, are reviewed in a study of 107 cases made by New and Figi<sup>1</sup>in 1923. The reader's attention is directed to this article for detailed data. The children in this series

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