
Within the scope of a bilateral cooperation a series of Actinide Migration Experiment were performed by INE at the Aspo Hard Rock Laboratory in Sweden. This report covers investigations on actinide migration in a single fractured granite sample (core #5) performed in the CHEMLAB 2 probe under in situ conditions at Aspo HRL. The same experimental setup was applied as in previous experiments. Investigations of the flow path properties and the breakthrough of inert HTO tracer are reported. Experiments with the actinides Am, Np and Pu are presented. Breakthrough of actinides was not detected within the experimental time of about four months. The different analytical techniques for determination of sorbed actinides are presented. After cutting the core in slices, the abraded material is dissolved and analyzed, the slices are used to visualize the flow path. Effective volumes and inner surface areas are measured and the results compared to batch soption studies. A prediction for the breakthrough of a further in-situ experiment is given planned for uranium as tracer.

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