
On 15 April 2019, Rita Wong, Barry Morris, Mel Lehan, Kyle Farquharson, and Will Offley stood trial in the BC Supreme Court, having been charged with criminal contempt of court for challenging an injunction and blockading the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion on Burnaby Mountain. The five pleaded not guilty, invoking a “defence of necessity” and arguing that the imminent disaster of climate change and decades of government inaction had left them no alternative but to engage in civil disobedience. The BC Supreme Court sentenced Wong to twenty-eight days in prison. The statement Wong offered on 7 June 2019, at her sentencing, draws attention to the powerful performance architecture surrounding the state’s characterization of songs, prayers, and ceremonies as “civil contempt,” “civil disobedience,” and protest. Wong calls for respect for natural and Indigenous law, for a reciprocal relationship with the land, and for taking responsibility.

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