
IQGAP1 is a homodimeric protein that reversibly associates with F-actin, calmodulin, activated Cdc42 and Rac1, CLIP-170, beta-catenin, and E-cadherin. Its F-actin binding site includes a calponin homology domain (CHD) located near the N-terminal of each subunit. Prior studies have implied that medium- to high-affinity F-actin binding (5-50 microM K(d)) requires multiple CHDs located either on an individual polypeptide or on distinct subunits of a multimeric protein. For IQGAP1, a series of six tandem IQGAP coiled-coil repeats (IRs) located past the C-terminal of the CHD of each subunit support protein dimerization and, by extension, the IRs or an undefined subset of them were thought to be essential for F-actin binding mediated by its CHDs. Here we describe efforts to determine the minimal region of IQGAP1 capable of binding F-actin. Several truncation mutants of IQGAP1, which contain progressive deletions of the IRs and CHD, were assayed for F-actin binding in vitro. Fragments that contain both the CHD and at least one IR could bind F-actin and, as expected, removal of all six IRs and the CHD abolished binding. Unexpectedly, a fragment called IQGAP1(2-210), which contains the CHD, but lacks IRs, could bind actin filaments. IQGAP1(2-210) was found to be monomeric, to bind F-actin with a K(d) of approximately 47 microM, to saturate F-actin at a molar ratio of one IQGAP1(2-210) per actin monomer, and to co-localize with cortical actin filaments when expressed by transfection in cultured cells. These collective results identify the first known example of high-affinity actin filament binding mediated by a single CHD.

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