
As American Chemical Society national meeting attendees slogged through 90-plus-degree days, nearly 100% humidity, and daily downpours, ACS governance was turning up the heat on the Kansas State Board of Education. Last week at its 218th national meeting in New Orleans, ACS added its voice to the growing chorus calling on the Kansas board to rescind its recent decision to remove all references to evolution and the origins of the universe from the state's education standards and assessments (see page 65). The official ACS statement, which was unanimously supported by the board of directors, drew applause from ACS councilors and was picked up immediately by the Associated Press. While protecting the nation's students from science curriculum changes that have nothing to do with science was foremost on the minds of governance groups at the New Orleans meeting, protecting Chemical Abstracts Service's (CAS) data collections from potential damage caused by inadequate facilities was not far behind. ...

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