
ABSTRACT Acrosymphyton firmum sp. nov., is described from the northeastern coast of North 1., New Zealand. Gametophytes are spring–summer annuals which grow subtidally on cobbles. Thalli are uniaxial; each axial cell bears a whorl of four indeterminate and one determinate branchlets. Indeterminate branchlets are alternately arranged giving the thallus a distichous and feather‐like appearance. Numerous corticating rhizoidal filaments are produced from the periaxial and lower whorl branchlet cells. These rhizoids entwine and obscure the main axis as the thallus develops until in the mature plant the axes have a firm consistency and lubricous texture. The carpogonial branch bearing short lateral filaments and auxiliary cell branch with terminal auxiliary cell place this new species in the genus Acrosymphyton Sjöstedt. Of the three described species in the genus, A. firmum is most similar to A. taylori. This is the first report of the genus Acrosymphyton and the only confirmed report of the family Dumontiaceae in New Zealand waters.

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