
Two experiments using two-tone sinusoidally amplitude-modulated stimuli were conducted to assess cross-channel effects in processing low-frequency amplitude modulation. In experiment I, listeners were asked to discriminate between two sets of two-tone amplitude-modulated complexes. In one set, the modulation phase of the lower frequency carrier tone was different from that of the upper frequency carrier tone. In the other stimulus set, both amplitude-modulated carriers had the same modulator phase. The amount of phase shift required to discriminate between the two stimulus sets was determined as a function of the separation between the two carriers, modulation depth, and modulation frequency. Listeners could discriminate a 50 degrees-60 degrees phase shift between the modulated envelopes for tones separated by more than a critical band. In experiment II, the modulation depth required to detect modulation of a probe carrier was measured in the presence of an amplitude-modulated masker. The threshold for detecting probe modulation was determined as a function of the separation between the masker and probe carriers, the phase difference between the masker and probe modulators, and masker modulation depth (in all conditions, the rate of probe and masker modulation was 10 Hz). The threshold for detecting probe modulation was raised substantially when the masker tone was also modulated. The results are consistent with theories suggesting that amplitude modulation helps form auditory objects from complex sound fields.

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