
Thrombocytosis is either caused by a reactive process (secondary thrombocytosis) or by a clonal bone marrow disorder The latter category includes essential thrombocythemia with bleedings and thrombotic complications as major causes of illness and death in this patients. We describe a 43-year-old man with a 6 months history of acroparesthesia in his toes. Half a year after onset of these symptoms, he noticed a bluish discoloration of digit V of his left foot. On first presentation physical examination revealed a bluish discoloration of all toes and a cold and blue digit V of the left foot. Peripheral pulses were all palpable, normal ankle systolic pressure measurements and normal pulse volume recordings except for digit V of the left foot were found. Laboratory tests revealed thrombocytosis of 800000/microliter. On treatment with acetylsalicylacid, prostanoids intravenously and low molecular weight heparin, the patient became asymptomatic and pulse volume recording of digit V was normalized. After exclusion of cardial or vascular sources of embolism by utrasonography bone marrow aspirate and biopsy supported the diagnosis of essential thrombocythemia.

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