
To develop transgenic orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) resistant to high temperature, the recombinant DgHSP17.2 gene was introduced into orchardgrass plants using the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method and expressed constitutively under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter. The results of genomic DNA PCR and Southern analysis showed a DNA band and hybridization signal on agarose gel and X-ray film in transgenic orchardgrass plants harboring the recombinant DgHSP17.2 gene, but a DNA band and hybridization signal were not observed in the wild type and empty vector control plants. The same result was also obtained in RT-PCR and Southern blot analysis, and these transgenic orchardgrass plants did not show any morphological aberration both in the culture bottle and soil mixture. When leaf discs cut from transgenic orchardgrass plants with recombinant DgHsp17.2 gene were exposed to lethal temperature (heat treatment at 60°C for 50 min), 60-80% of the leaf discs showed only damage symptoms, but non-transgenic leaf discs showed a lethal condition. These results indicate that the DgHsp17.2 gene may act as a protector from heat stress in plants.

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