
Elemental sulfur (S8 0)-oxidising Sulfolobales (Archaea) dominate high-temperature acidic hot springs (>80°C, pH <4). However, genomic analyses of S8 0-oxidising members of the Sulfolobales reveal a patchy distribution of genes encoding sulfur oxygenase reductase (SOR), an S8 0 disproportionating enzyme attributed to S8 0 oxidation. Here, we report the S8 0-dependent growth of two Sulfolobales strains previously isolated from acidic hot springs in Yellowstone National Park, one of which associated with bulk S8 0 during growth and one that did not. The genomes of each strain encoded different sulfur metabolism enzymes, with only one encoding SOR. Dialysis membrane experiments showed that direct contact is not required for S8 0 oxidation in the SOR-encoding strain. This is attributed to the generation of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from S8 0 disproportionation that can diffuse out of the cell to solubilise bulk S8 0 to form soluble polysulfides (Sx 2-) and/or S8 0 nanoparticles that readily diffuse across dialysis membranes. The Sulfolobales strain lacking SOR required direct contact to oxidise S8 0, which could be overcome by the addition of H2S. High concentrations of S8 0 inhibited the growth of both strains. These results implicate alternative strategies to acquire and metabolise sulfur in Sulfolobales and have implications for their distribution and ecology in their hot spring habitats.

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