
Lethal bronzing (LB) is a fatal palm disease caused by the phytoplasma 'Candidatus Phytoplasma aculeata'. This disease causes significant economic losses in palm industries and landscapes. The American palm cixiid, Haplaxius crudus, recently was identified as the vector of the phytoplasma. However, knowledge about LB phytoplasma transmission is limited due to the lack of a method to generate phytoplasma-infected insects in the laboratory. In this study, the acquisition and transmission of the LB phytoplasma by H. crudus were investigated. Successful acquisitions of the phytoplasma by H. crudus were observed at 2 days acquisition access period on LB-infected palm spear leaves. Analyses revealed increased phytoplasma infection rates of H. crudus with longer acquisition access periods and latent periods. A significantly higher phytoplasma infection rate was shown after various acquisition access periods and latent periods than the infection rate of the field-collected H. crudus population. Transmission of the phytoplasma from LB-infected spear leaves to sucrose media by H. crudus also was observed using digital PCR assays. These results further support the vector status of H. crudus and offer valuable information to understand LB phytoplasma transmission. Additionally, these results generate a critical baseline for future LB phytoplasma-vector research by providing a way to generate vectors with high phytoplasma infection rates in the laboratory setting.

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