
Abstract Purpose A range of ophthalmic and neurological conditions cause diminished visual performance, even when the subject is often unaware of any problems and the loss of vision remains undetected in conventional perimetry and visual acuity tests. The extent to which detection of acquired colour vision loss can revealed in subclinical cases and distinguished from congenital loss has been investigated. Methods Over 400 subjects with congenital and acquired colour vision loss have been examined using conventional colour screening methods. In addition, the loss of yellow / blue and red / green chromatic sensitivity has been quantified using the CAD test (http://www.caa.co.uk/docs/33/200904.pdf). Those investigated included subjects with diseases of the retina and / or the optic nerve as well as patients with selective damage to central visual pathways. Patients with various stages of glaucoma, photoreceptor dystrophies, diabetes, optic neuritis, age‐related macular degeneration as well as tobacco and alcohol toxicity have been examined. Results Algorithms developed for analysis of colour vision loss and automatic classification of congenital and / or acquired colour deficiency will be described. In acquired deficiency, the loss of chromatic sensitivity tends to affect both the rg and the yb channels. Significant differential effects have, however, been observed in relation to stimulus size, retinal location and state of light adaptation. Conclusion The findings from these studies show that in the majority of these conditions, the loss of chromatic sensitivity is the most sensitive measure of early changes in diseases of the eye.

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