
Acoustic wave scattering in submerged turbulent wakes has been solved on the assumption of small and smooth turbulent fluctuations. The turbulent fluctuations are modeled by the Kolmogorov spectrum. The turbulence in the submarine wakes is modeled by a MIT Ocean Model by pat.gallacher@nrlssc.navy.mil. The effect of turbulent velocity fluctuation and the effect of turbulent temperature fluctuation are roughly equal on the scattering of acoustic wave from turbulent wakes (1 Hz–1 MHz). Acoustic scattering by a turbulent wake is very strong in the forward direction while it is small in the backward direction. The scattering from internal waves is modeled using the Garret–Monk spectrum. Since the frequency spectrum (1 Hz–1 MHz) of wake turbulence and that of internal waves (0.0138 Hz–10 MHz) do not overlap the two scattering mechanisms do not interact. The two mechanisms of scattering can be treated separately and then added linearly. [Work supported by ONR Code 321 OA.]

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