
An acoustic technique was applied to study aging of the β 1 ′ martensitic phase in a number of copper-based shape memory alloys (Cu-Zn-Al, Cu-Al-Ni, Cu-Al-Be) characterized by various degrees of martensitic-phase stabilization. The nonlinear anelasticity of the martensitic phase was studied in wide ranges of temperature (7–300 K) and vibrational strain amplitude (2 × 10−7 −2 × 10−4) at vibrational-loading frequencies of ∼100 kHz. It was shown that aging effects of the martensitic phase can have homogeneous and heterogeneous components. The homogeneous component is associated with a change in the degree of atomic order in the crystal volume. The basic heterogeneous mechanisms of martensitic-phase aging are associated with the formation of atmospheres of point defects and local changes (which are greater than those in the crystal volume) in the degree of atomic order in the vicinity of partial dislocations and the boundaries between martensite variants. It is concluded that various stabilization properties of the alloys at hand result not only from the different diffusion properties of quenching point defects but also from the different influence of these defects on the degree of atomic order and the different features of their interaction with partial dislocations and intervariant boundaries.

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