
Acoustic oscillations in the baryonic-photon plasma leave an imprint on both the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) and the power spectrum of the mass distribution in the universe. This effect is well known and is currently applied to determine the value for quantities such as the percentage of dark matter and dark energy in the universe. This study examines the contributions of higher order terms in the equations for the radiation-baryonic acoustic oscillations prior to radiation decoupling from matter. The energy and momentum conservation equations are combined with the Einstein field equations for a Robertson Walker metric containing the perturbations. An attempt is made to consider the effect of the higher order perturbations on the observed power spectrum and on the anisotropy of the CMBR. The sensitivity of these higher order terms to adiabatic, instead of non-adiabatic, boundary conditions on the fluctuations outside the particle horizon is considered. [Work supported by KSA.]

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