
Classification of insects is an essential aspect of Entomology, the study of insects. It also has several applications in agriculture, where insects play a crucial role in both positive and negative ways. This paper presents a signal processing and deep learning approach for insect classification based on the sounds produced by the insects. In the signal processing approach, features are extracted based on a Mel-spectrogram using an FFT window of length 2048, hop length of 512, and 128 mel bands. The 2D-CNN is used further to classify the Mel-spectrograms into their respective insect classes. Further, instead of extracting hand-crafted features manually, automatic feature extraction and classification were done through a deep learning approach. Two deep-learning models, 1D-CNN and SincNet, have been employed to classify the insects based on their acoustic sounds. A comparative performance analysis between handcrafted and deep learning features reveals that SincNet based deep learning model produced the best accuracy of 97% on the publicly available Cornell University Insect database.

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